Ragging in educational institutions has been a matter of concern for everyone in the country. It is not a new phenomenon. Early references are found in Everyman’ Encyclopedia (1938). It is mentioned as racking, ducking, teasing etc. Ragging is a systematized form of Human Rights abuse as embodied under the Constitution of India as well as other Constitutions of the World. Over the years, all over the World and especially in South Asia, the practice of Ragging has come to be meant as an extreme harassment, terror and even physical and mental torture of the new students. The incidents of ragging have increased over the past few years. Lacks of moral values and discipline have been the main reasons for this spurt Various regulatory have spelled out measures to contain the menace of ragging in the educational institutions, and the Apex court of the country has also given guidelines for preventing this practice in the educational institutions. Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College Paprola has resolved to make the college a “Zero Ragging Campus” We have initiated various measures for the prevention of ragging in and outside the campus.
For Any Complaints or Information Regarding Ragging Contact on the Following Tel. No. :
Principal Secretary ( Ayurveda ) :- 0177 – 2622080
Director Ayurveda :- 0177 – 2622262
Principal’s Office :- 01894 – 242064 , Chairman Anti-Ragging Committee :- 9418130228, 9418017568
Co-Chairman Anti-Ragging Committee :- 8219744990
Chairman Students Welfare Committee :- 9418312324
S.D.M Baijnath :- 01894 – 263656
S.H.O Baijntah :- 01894 – 263010
National Help Line ( Toll Free ) :- 1800 – 180 – 5522
In pursuance to the judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India dated 08 / 05 / 2009 in civil appeal no. 887 / 2009, the UGC had notified “ Regulations on curbing the menace of Ragging in Higher Institutions, 2009”. The Regulations are available on the UGC website i.e. www.ugc.ac/in
What is Ragging?
Any act resulting in:
- Mental / Physical / Sexual abuse
- Verbal abuse
- Indecent behavior
- Criminal Intimidation / Wrongful Restraint
- Undermining Human Dignity
- Financial Exploitation / Extortion
- Use of Force etc.
Penalties of Ragging:
- Debarring from appearing in exams
- Withholding results
- Cancellation of admission
- Collective punishment: When the person/s committing or abetting the crime of ragging is / are not identified, the college / institution shall resort to collective punishment to ensure community pressure on potential ragger.
- Prosecution / can be jailed.
So, say no to the ragging. Before you think of ragging think of:
- Humiliation
- Suspension
- Blacklisting for jobs
- Ruined carrier
- Expulsion from the college.
So, don’t just stand and watch. Stop ragging, show character.
Anti Ragging Committee
1. Dr. Vijayant Bharadwaj, Reader Chairman
2. Dr. Sunil Thakur, Reader Co- Chairman
3. Dr. Anil Bharadwaj, Reader Member Secretary
4. Warden, Dhanwantri & Sanjeevani Girls Hostel (Dr. Minakshi, Reader) Member
5. Warden, Boys Hostel (Dr. Kiran Kalia, Lect.) Member
6. Warden, Nivedita Girls Hostel (Dr. Pooja Thakur, Lecturer) Member
7. Medical Supt. RGG.PG Ayur. Hosp. Paprola Member
1. Dr. Anant Bharadwaj (Kayachikitsa) MD 1st yr. Batch – 2020 Member
2. Dr. Anu (Kayachikitsa) MD 1st yr. Batch – 2020 Member
3. Dr. Jaswant Singh, (Shalya) MD 1st yr. Batch – 2020 Member
4. Mr. Ajay Singh, CR (BAMS 1st Yr,R.No 22987) Batch 2020 Member
5. Ms. Aaina Kashyap, CR (BAMS III Yr, R.No 906 ) Batch 2019 Member
6. Ms. Leena, CR (BAMS IV Yr, R.No 723) Batch 2018 Member
7. Ms. Deevanshi, CR (BAMS IV Yr, R.No 509) Batch 2018 Member