Ayurveda is a science of life and is world’s oldest holistic healing system. It is recollected from pre existing knowledge along with four Vedas. The main objective of Ayurveda is maintaining the health of individual and treatment of the diseases. Panchkarma a practical procedural part of Ayurveda is now recognized globally . Panchkarma eliminates the toxins from the body . The procedures for removing these bio wastes are Vamana ( emesis), Virechan (Purgation), Vastis (Enema), Nasya ( insufflations) and Raktamokshan( blood letting). Apart from these main five Main treatment modalities ,there are important associated procedures which are extremely beneficial for the masses to maintain physical and mental health to get rid from today’s hectic and stressful life. It is highly beneficial for life style disorders caused by faulty eating and living habits.
Aims and objectives:-
- Maintenance and promotion of health
- Prevention of the diseases
- Rejuvenating and revitalizing of the body
- Treatment of the diseases
- Management of the diseases most specifically Joint disorders, Neurological disorders, Hemiplegia, Lower back pain , Skin disorders and life style disorders etc.
- Acadamic
Teaching of UG and PG students in Smart Class rooms,
Seminars, Practical Demonstrations. Thesis research work
- Clinical work
OPD and IPD work .
Clinical research work in panchkarma theaters.
Mainly in the field of chronic disorders like Vatavyadhis such as Pakshaghata , Gridhrasi , Katishool , Sandhivata , Amavata , Ardhavbhedaka , Vatarakta
Twak evum Rakta vikaras and Bandhyatva etc. with the help of major Panchkarmas and associated panchkarma procedures.
Departmental information.
Independent panchkarma department at RGGPG AYURVEDIC COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL, PAPROLA came into existence in the year of 1998.
The department was upgraded to the post graduate department in the year 2009 with the intake of three PG scholars per year. Further it was upgraded with intake capacity of four PG scholars per year since 2021.
Now almost 36 specialists have been produced by the department and they are successfully rendering their services thought the country in various Government and Private institutions.
Teaching faculty
- Professor – Dr Pushpinder Sandhu
- Professor & Head- Dr Anil Bhardwaj
- Senior Lecturer – Dr Charu Supriya
- AMO (Teaching) – Dr Neeraj Mehra
Hospital Staff.
House Physician-2
Clinical residents -12
Masseurs-6 (One Vacant)
Lab Technician-1
Class 1V staff -Common
Academic achievements
- PG scholars qualified from Panchkarma Depatment are presently working as Panchkarma Specialist, Teachers,Rresearchers and Ayurvedic Medical Officers in various Government and Private Institutions throughout the country and abroad.
- Conducted CME programmes for AMOs of Ayush Vibhag of H.P.
- Department also trained manpower for H.P. tourism department.
- Conducting Panchkarma SPA training programme through Himachal Pradesh Kaushal Vikas Nigam , Shimla.
Clinical achievements
- Conducting clinical studies on different drugs used in Panchkarma.
- Imparting clinical training and guiding to UG, PG students and House Physicians
- OPD and IPD services to the ailing humanity.
- So far treated thousands of patients suffering from different ailments through Panchkarma Managements.
Scope of future plans:-
- Up gradation as State of Art Panchkarma Hospital at Paprola.
- Standardization of Panchkarma procedures.
- Organisation of Panchkarma awareness programs in remote localities of the state.
- Super specialization in different branches of Panchkarma.
- Establishing Specialised Panchkarma OPDs for specific disorders.