PG Deptt. Of Rog Nidan
The Rog Nidan Department came in to existence long back after the notification of the 14 Departments by the CCIM. Later on in 2009 it was upgrades to Post Graduate Department with the intake capacity of three scholars per year. This Department is the most important one as it caters to the need of patients coming to the Hospital for various ailments by performing various routine & biochemical tests of the patients in different labs. of the Department. The brief introduction of the Department is as under:
1. Dr. Rajesh Manglesh, Prof. & Head
M.D.Ay. Rog Nidan-Vikriti Vigyan (GAU)
2. Dr. Akhilesh Srivastava, Professor
M.D.Ay. Kaya Chikitsa (BHU), PhD
3. Dr. Swapnil Saini, ,Senior. Lecturer
M.D.Ay. Rog Nidan-Vikriti Vigyan (HPU)
4. Dr Pooja Sharma , AMO
M.D.Ay. Rog Nidan-Vikriti Vigyan (HPU)
Labs. Working under the Deptt.:
1. Students practical Lab.: This lab is used for the practical training to the B.A.M.S. students and M.D./M.S.Ayu. scholars. In this lab. Routine tests of blood ,urine, semen and biochemistry are carried out.
2. Microbiology Lab.: In this lab culture sensitivity is being done for the purpose of research cases of PG scholars.
3. Research Lab.: This lab. Caters to the need of all the PG scholars. The routine and biochemical tests of the patients enrolled for research purpose are done.
4. Hospital Lab.: In this lab. Tests of the OPD and IPD patients are done. The college hospital is having 215 beds. The routine blood ,urine, semen and most of the biochemical tests are conducted to the satisfaction of the clinicians.
5. ECG Lab.: This lab. Is used in imparting training to the UG ang PG students/scholars and as well as taking the ECG of the research patients and Hospital patients in case of emergency.
6. DMC Lab. : It is a unique lab. established under National Health Programme with the help of Health Department. In this lab. the sputum examination for AFB of the suspected TB patients is done. If found positive , are provided ATT by the Hospital.
Research work so far done In the Deptt.
1. Aetio-pathogenesis of Aamvata and the effect of Punarnava Kwatha.
2. A study of the clinical & Laboratory profile of Mutrakricha w.s.r. to dysuria and its management with Gokshur Kwatha and Yava Kshara
3. Aetiopathogesis of Parvahika w.s.r. to Amoebic Dysentry and to study the effect of Kutajvilavaadi Yog.
4. To study the aetiopathogesis of Madhumeha and to evaluate the efficacy of Triphladi Kwatha.
5. A sutdy of the clinical and Laboratory profile of Pittaj Muttra Kriccha w.s.r. to UTI and its management with an Ayurvedic formulation.
6. Clinical and Laboratory profile of Mutraashmari w.s.r. to Urolithiasis and its management with Vrikkshulantak vati