Publications Of year 2023
Sonam et al. “Conceptual
Study Of Guda And Guda Valli” WJPR 2023, Vol 12 Issue 4.12
Deepali “Conceptual
Study Of Garbhashya WSR To Uterus WJPR Vol 12 Issue 6.9.
Bala A, “Garbha Poshan By
UpsnehaAnd UpswedaA Conceptual Review” WJPR Vol 12 Issue 4.6.
Namrita A, “Conceptual
Study Of Kshipra Marma” WJPR Vol 12 Issue 9.6.
Yodun S, “Conceptual
Study Of Beej, BeejbhagAnd BeejbhagAvayav” WJPR Vol 12 Issue 10.6.
Kishore K, “A Literary
Review On Shilajeet” IRJAY VOL.6(5), 70-77,May 2023.
Thakur A, “Swarnmakshik-
A Review Through Classics” IRJAY VOL.6(5), 133-139, May 2023.
Dr.Ram Deo Pandit “Geographical Indication
Differentiation To Traditional Medicinal And Aromatic Plants Used In Ayurvedic
Medicines For Reputation And Recognition Of Their Superior Pharmaceutical
Quality, Clinical Efficacy And Economic Value”ANNALS OF AYURVEDIC
MEDICINE Vol 12 Issue 7.Pp143
Dr.Ram Deo Pandit “ Medico-Ethon-Botanical Study Of Indigenous And Migrated
Medicinal Plants Diversity At Kothi Village In Kangra District Of Himachal
Pradesh In India: A Cross-Sectional Survey” International Journal Of Ayurveda
And Pharma Research Vol 4(7) Issue 4 Pp.98
Dr.Kailash Rana “A Review On ShwasaharaDravyasIn Bhavprakash Nighantu.” International
Journal Of Ayurveda And Pharma Research , Vol 4(7) Issue 4 Pp.134
Dr.Priyal Kumari Patel “Commentators View On Medicinal Plants Of SushrutoktaSalsaradi
Gana Regarding Their Controversial Botanical Identify: A Review” International Journal
Of Ayurveda And Pharma Research Vol 4(7) Issue 4.Pp.90
Dr.Udit Verma “A Critical Analysis Of KushthghnaDravyasMentioned
In Sushrutokta Gana With Commentators View On ControversialDrugs”InternationalJournal
Of Ayurveda And Pharma Research Vol 4(7) Issue 4.Pp.45.
Dr.Ankita Parihar “To
Study The Concept Of Lok Purush Samya Siddhanta With Its Applied Aspect In Various
Samhitas” World Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research. Volume 9, Issue
5, 2023
Dr.Ankita Parihar “Literary
Review On Yuvanpidika/ Acne Vulgaris” International Journal Of Science And Research
(IJSR) Volume 12, Issue 5, May 2023
Dr.Ravi Sharma “Alteration
Of DinacharyaAnd RatricharyaIn Greeshma Ritu: An In-Depth Review’ Journal Of Ayurveda
And Integrated Medical Sciences (JAIMS), Vol. 8, Issue 11 November 2023.
Dr.Sonia Dhiman “Role Of
Pathya – AaharAnd Yogic Practices In The Management Of TYPE – 2 DM” International
Research Journal Of Ayurveda &Yoga Vol.6(171-171), June 2023
Dr.Shilpa Pal “Role Of Pathya
Aahar– Vihar And Yogic Practices In The Management Of PCOS” World Journal Of Pharmaceutical
And Medical Research Vol.9 Issue7 (162-165) June 2023
Dr.Prashanna Nepal “The
Role Of Yoga And Naturopathy In Lifestyle Diseases.” International Research
Journal Of Ayurveda &Yoga Vol.6(171-171), June 2023
Dr.Sonia Dhiman “Role Of
Yogasana, Pranayama And Mudra In Prevention And Cure Of Diseases” International
Research Journal Of Ayurveda &Yoga Vol.6(171-171), June 2023
Dr.Shilpa Pal “Role Of Yoga
In Lifestyle” Journal Of Ayurveda And Integrated Medical Sciences (JAIMS), Vol.
8, Issue 11 November 2023.
Dr.Shivika Sharma “Lifestyle
Disorders – Ayurvedic Awareness, Healing And Management Through Ahaar, Vihar And
Balanced Diet” International Research Journal Of Ayurveda &Yoga Vol.6(171-171),
June 2023.
Dr Narind Khajuria “ A
review of Sasnehaguna of pitta Dosha.” Journal of Ayurveda And Holistic
Medicine Vol 9 issue5.
Dr Narind Khajuria “Bio
ethics And ayurveda.” The Ayurveda
Chronicles” Dec 2023 .Vol 9 issue5.
Dr Sidhiqul Akbar
“Conceptual study of anti-toxic effect of “HimavanAgada”inmandalinsarpavisha,
WJPMR 2023,9(01) 68 – 71.
Dr Akanksha “A Review
on the Agada yoga described in various Ayurvedic literature, WJPMR,
2023, 9(01), 30 – 35.
Dr Bharat Bhushan “A
Review on the anti-toxic effects of Haridra against Gara visha, ARMARC
vol 28Series 12,Dec 2022.
Dr Sukriti Sharma “A
critical review on Ashtanga Agada ,
IAMJ January 202376 -81.
Dr Bharat Bhushan “Role
of Agada tantra in Environmental pollution, E book, National conference on SASE
, 22 -23 April 2023), BHU Varanasi.
Dr Rajni Devi “Management
of Psoriasis (Ekkushta) through
Ayurvedic medicines – A case study, WJPR, Vol 12, Issue 18, 2023 ( 983 – 990).
Dr Rajni Devi “Conceptual
study on Anti – toxic effect of Kshara
Agada – A Review, WJPMR, Vol 9, Issue 11, 2023, ( 117 -124).
Dr Akanksha “Role of VishaghnaMahakashaya in present
scenario, IJSDR Vol 8, Issue 6, June 2023,
Dr Akanksha “A
compilation of Anti dotes in contemporary science and Ayurveda, IAMJ, June-July
, 2023.
Dr Soni Kapil , “Effect
of Matra Basti of Erand Tail in Non Progress of Labor and Neonatal outcome by
Umblical cord blood study-A Case Report” Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated
Medical Sciences. 29th August, 2023.
Dr Nisha Kumari
“Godhoom and Yava Pinda Chikitsa in Prasramani Yoni Vyapad (Second Degree
Utrine Prolapse with Cystorectocele)” International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
Dr. Jyoti Thakur.
Ayurvedic Management of Kaphaj Yoni Vyapad (Trichomonas Vaginitis) -A Case
Report. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. April, 2023
Dr. Pratibha Mehra.
Managing Endometrial Calcification using Kshar Taila and Phalghrit Uttar Basti-
A Case Report. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. 27th
Dr. Pratibha Mehra. The
Effect Of ShatahvadiAsthapana Basti And Dhum Nasya In Augmentation Of Labor – A
Case Study, Ayushdhara, 15 May 2023
Dr. Sanskriti Nema, An
Ayurvedic Management Of Bandhyatva Due To Dhatukshya”. International Journal Of
Ayurveda And Pharma Research Nov 2023.
Dr. Akshita. Role of
SthanikChikitsa in Shweta Pradar Associated with Madhumeha (DM Type II)-A Case
Study International Journal Of Ayurveda And Pharma Research January, 2023
Dr Meena Parmar Role of
ksheerbasti in Asymmetrical intrauterine growth restriction a case study.
International Journal Of Research and analytical reviews. March 2023.
Dr Meena Parmar.
Etiology of abortion an ayurvedic prospective with scientific approach-a review
article. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal. Feb –march 2023
Dutta Bindu, Sharma
Rakesh “Importance of Vednaadhyaya in clinical Pediatrics”WJPR Vol 12 issue
Dharwal R, Sharma
Rakesh “Contribution of Kashyap Samhita in the field of Kamorbhritya” WJPR Vol
9 issue 11,2023.
Shah Bimal, Sharma
Rakesh “Concept of Sanskara on present Scenario” WJPR Vol 12 issue 3,2023.
Dharwal R, Sharma
Rakesh “Vyadhikshamatva in children :An Ayurvedic perspective” WJPR Vol 12
issue 11,2023.
Dharwal R, Sharma
Rakesh “Importance and Application of Abhaynga in Children” WJPR Vol 12 issue
· Shah Bimal, Sharma Rakesh “Empowering kids with millet” JAIMS Vol 8 issue 10,2023.Research Publications of Year 2022
- Monika Rasotra“A Literary review of Shivtra” World Journal of Pharmaceutical and medical research” 2022, 8(2), 118 – 121.
- Monika Rasotra “Conceptualization of mode of action of the formulation (Dhatrayadikwath and gunja lepa) in Shivtra“World journal of Pharmaceutical and medical research” 2022, 8(2), 118 – 121.
- Priyal Patel Commentators’ view on medicinal plants of Sushrutoktasalsaradigana regarding their controversial Botanical Identity. IJAPR | December 2022 | Vol 10 | Issue 12 .52-66
- Sharma Sukriti et. al ‘A review on the relevance of Mahaagada in snake bite of big four snakes, ARMARC, July 2022, Vol.28, Series 7.
- Devi Rajni et. al ‘Toxicity of Gunja (AbrusPrecatorius) seeds with special reference to Abrin- A review, ARMARC, August 2022, Vol.28, Series 8.
- Sharma Sukriti ‘Use of agada preparation in current scenario’- A review IRJAY, Vol 5(10), 138-143, Oct 2022.
- Bhushan Bharat ‘Therapeutic properties of Datura stramonum and its medico-legal aspect’, IRJAY, Vol 5(10), 130-134, Oct 2022.
- Bhushan Bharat ‘Endurance effect of Rasayan Drug Aswagandha- WithaniaSomnifera in athletes- A review article, IRJAY, Vol 5(10) 87-91, Oct 2022.
- Bhushan Bharat ‘Review article of vishaghna properties of shirisha (AlbezziaLebbeck) and its therapeutic effect, , IJARESM, Vol 10, Issue 11, Nov 2022, 1341-1347.
- Sharma Sukriti ‘A review on Mahaagada- A literary review ‘WJPMR, 2022, 8(12), 174-179 (Dec,2022).
- Akanksha ‘ Manjishtha- A helping herb for skin, IJARESM, Vol.10, Issue 11, Nov-2022, 1455-1464.
- Akbar Sidhiqul ‘A review on toxicology in KautilyaArthashastra’ WJPMR, 2022, 8(12), 118-120 (Nov,2022).
- Devi Rajni ‘Medicinal value of poisonous plants- A review article’ IRJAY, Vol5(11), 81-87, Nov 2022.
- Rakesh Thaman et. al “Development and evaluation of Traditional Pinda tailaloaded gel formulation: IRJAY Vol 6 (3) 2023 55-59
- Rakesh Thaman et. Al “Preparation of malhar composed of aloe barbadenesis and terminalia belericaIRJAY Vol 6 (3) 2022101-104
- Rakesh Thaman et. al “ A Review Of Bauhinia Variegata and its Phytoconstituents AyushdharaVol 7 (8) 2019-35-39
- Seema Shukla “Concept of aahar as a causative factor in Garbha Vakriti – Ayushdhara ISSN: 2393-95831p.2022/vol-9/Issue 1
- Seema Shukla “Management of Tubal Blockage with Ayurvedic Approach: A case study Int.J.Ayu PharChem ISSN 2350-0204 May 10 volume 16, Issue 3
- Seema Shukla “Ayurvedic approach in management of infertility due to anovulatory factor: A case report.World journal of Pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences ISSN2278-4357 volume 12 issue 2,
- Seema Shukla “Role of Ksheerbasti in Asymmetrical intrauterine growth Restriction -A case Report. International journal of Research and analytical Reviews (URAR) March 2023, Volume 10,Issue 1
- Seema Shukla “Role of sanshodhan in management of PCOD-A case study -URAR Jan 2022
- Seema Shukla “Role of Mritika chikitsa and yoga basti in the management of Asrigdar: A case report International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. ISSN 2322-0902 (Print) ISSN2322-0910 September,2022
- Seema Shukla “Concept of Ayurgenomics in Context to Nutrigenomics. Internationale Journal of Ayurveda And Pharma Research/ February 2022/vol/10 Issue 2
- Seema Shukla “Role of Anuvasan Basti in Sukh Prasav (Normal Labor): A case Report International Journal of Applied Ayurvest Research ISSN: 2347-2362, Vol V issue Vil March-April 2022
- Seema Shukla “Management of Garbhashosha (IUGR) with Ksheerbasti: A case report – March 2022
- Ankita Negi “Role of jalauka avacharan in non healing ulcer Ayush dhara August 2022
- Neha Sharma “Jakauka avcharna in dusht vrana. A case study Ayush dhara August 2022
- Sheetal Rana “Management of fistula in ano with kshar sutra therapy a case study IJAPR November 2022
- Tshering Wangchuk Unilateral congenital knee dislocation of female neonate. A case report URAR
- Jaswant Singh “Pediatric elbow dislocation a case report RAFT Publication September 2022
- Soni kapil “Ayurvedic Products and Services for Health Tourism niche in India and the Contamination of Ayurvedic Content, Ayushdhara, March -April 2022, Vol 9, Issue 2, ISSN: 2393 (p)/2393-9591 (O),
- Soni kapil “Ayurvedic Management of Infertility due to Tubal Blockage- A Case Report, Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine, Vol. 11, Issue 2 April-June 2022, E-ISSN: 2347-6923, ISSN: 2277-4092, AAM.2022;11 (2):165-171, doi:105455/AAM.122095 ,
- Soni kapil “Role of Mritika Chikitsa and Yoga Basti in Management of Asrigdar : A Case Report, International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research, Vol 10, suppl 2, September 2022, ISSN: 2322-0902 (P), ISSN: 2322-0910 (O),
- Geetika Dharmani et al .Management of Parkinson’s disease through Ayurvedic approach: A case report – AYUCARE, 29/12/2022
- Kumari Surbhi et al.Review of modern and Ayurvedic perspectives of urinary tract infections w.s.r. to pittaj mutrakrichhra – AYUSHDHARA, 18/09/2022
- Shikha et al A clinical study to evaluate the effect of Amritadi kwath and Guda Haritaki the management of Vatarakta w.s.r. to Hyperuricemia – AYUSHDHARA, 16/09/2022
- Bindu Chauhan et al Importance of Agni and it’s role in chikitsa – Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, April /2022
- Deeksha Dhiman et al A review on panchkarma procedure in pediatric age-world journal of pharmaceutical researches Volume-11 30/10/22
- Kushal et al Fundamental principles of management of childhood disorders-an Ayurvedic prespective-WJPMR 30/01/22
- Kushal et al Importance of shodhan during antenatal period-EJPMR 10/09/21
- Bindu Dutta et al Importance of Vedna Adhyaya in paediatrics-WJPR Vol-12
- Bindu Dutta et al Contribution of charak and sushrut samhita in field of kaumarbharitya-WJPR
- Rohini Dharwad et al Contribution of kashyap samhita in the field of kaumarbharitya-WJPR 16/01/2023
- Minakshi”ayurvedic management in spastic cerebral palsy”World Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol.12 Issue 4,475-483-ISSN 2277-7105
- Minakshi”Concept of Hypertension in Ayurveda- A Holistic Approach” Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol.12 Issue 4, 1330-1340 Research article ISSN 2277-7105
- Minakshi”Role Of Ahar (Diet) in Prevention of Communicable diseases” ” Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol.10 Issue 12, 231-240 Review article ISSN 2277-7105
- Minakshi”A review article on the concept of Rasayan in Ayurveda”Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences Vol.-8 Issue 2 ISSN 2456-3110
- Neha Vats Minakshi “A Clinical Study To Evaluate The Effect Of Karshyahar Yoga Granules And Ksheerbala Taila Matra Basti In Karshya W.S.R. To Undernutrition In Children”AYUSHDHARA Vol. 9 Issue 4: July-Aug 2022
Sr.No | Year | Topic of thesis | Name of Student | Name of Guide | Name of Co-Guide |
1 | 2003 | A Clinical study on the effect of Triyushanadi Anjana in the management of Kaphaj Abhishyanda (Spring Catarrh) | Dr. Gunjan Sharma | Dr. K.S. Dhiman | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi |
2 | 2003 | Aclinical study on the effect of Timirhar Loha in the Management of Timira Myopia | Dr. Vinod Jain | Dr. Romesh Chand | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi |
3 | 2003 | Role of Mushliadi Churna And Bilva Taila in the management of Badhirya( Deafness) | Dr. Rajbeer Singh | Dr. K.S. Dhiman | Dr. Vijayant Bhardwaj |
4 | 2004 | Role of Chandrodya Varti in the prevention of recurrence after Arma- chhedna | Dr. Meenakshi Nath | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi | Dr. K.S. Dhiman |
5 | 2004 | Management of Suryavarta with Katphala churna Nasya and Danti-Prawal Yoga Frontal Sinusitis | Dr. Anju Bala | Dr. Baldev Thakur | Dr. Satish Kumar Dr. Vijyant Bhardwaj |
6 | A clinical study on the effect of Haridradi Netra Bindu & Navkarshikka Syrup on Abhishyanda w.s.r. to Spring Catarrh | Dr. Sukhdev | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi | Dr. K.S.Dhiman | |
7 | Effect of Shweta Parpati on I.O.P.In normal Individuals and its role in the management of Adhimanth w.s.r. to Glaucoma. | Dr. Swetty Goel | Dr. K.S.Dhiman | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi | |
8 | 2004 | Management of Dantveshta (Pyorroea) with Bakul Twak Churna and Kaishore Guggal | Dr. Aparna Sharma, | Dr. Baldev Thakur | Dr. Satish Kumar, Dr. Vijayant Bhardwaj |
9 | 2004. | A clinical , A clinical study on the effect of Rasanjana( Extract of Berberis) eye drops in the treatment of Netra- Abhishyanda( Infective Conjunctivitis) | Dr. Riju Agarwal, | Dr. K.S.Dhiman | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi |
10 | 2004 | A clnical study on the effect of Chakshushya Compound and Tarpana Kriya-Kalpa in Timira w.s.r. to Myopia; | Dr. Hardev Singh, | Dr. K.S.Dhiman, |
Dr. S.K.Sharma, Dr. Pushpinder Singh, Dr. Chandan Sood |
11 | 2005 | A clinical study on the effect of Keshanjanain the management of Shushkashipaka w .s. r. to Dry eye; Vardhana, | Dr. Prabhakar | Dr. K.S.Dhiman | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi |
12 | 2005 | Clinical evaluation of an Ayurvedic formulation in the management of Vataj Pratishyaya Allergic Rhinitis | Dr. Atul Bhardwaj | Dr. Baldev Thakur |
Dr. Satish Kumar, Dr. Vijayant |
13 | 2005 | Role of Ayurvedic drugsin the management of Karnasrava C.S.O.M. (Benign Type) | Dr. Monika | Dr. K.S.Dhiman, | Dr.Vijayant Bhardwaj, |
14 | 2005 | Effect of Batankura Ksheera (Ficus bebgalensis Latex) and karpoora in the prevntion of recurrence of Arma(Pterygium) after Arma Chhedana( Pterygectomy) | Dr. Pankaj Kundal | Dr. K.S.Dhiman | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi |
15 | 2006 | Ayurvedic Treatment of Pharyngitis with Kanthpiyush vati and Katukadya Kshaya Kawal | Dr. Anoop Kumar | Dr. Baldev Thakur | Dr. Vijayant Bhardwaj; |
16 | 2006 | A clinical study on the Ayurvedic treatment ofArdhavbhedak (Migraine) | Dr. Sudhir Kumar | Dr. Baldev Thakur | Dr.Vijyant Bhardwaj |
17 | 2006. | A Comparative Study on the effect of Triyushanadi Anjana and Sodium Chromoglycate 2% eye drops on the on Kaphaja Abhishyanda Spring Catarrh;, , Dr.Sanjeev Awasthi; | Dr. Shailender Singh | Dr. K.S.Dhiman | Dr.Sanjeev Awasthi |
18 | 2007 | Effect of Tarpana Kriya- Kalp and Triphla Ghrita on 2nd Patalagata Timira w.s.r. to Presbyopia | Dr. Sunita | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi | Dr. K.S.Dhiman |
19 | 2007 | Role of Vyoshadi-vati & Shigru-nasya in the management of Dushta-Pratishyaya Ch. Rhino-sinusitis | Dr. J.S. Bhandari | Dr.K.S.Dhiman | Dr. Baldev Thakur |
20 | 2007 | Management of Vataj- Pratishyaya with Chitrak- hareetaki Avaleha & Anu Teila Nasya | Dr. Rajesh Choudhary | Dr.Baldev Thakur | Dr. Vijayant Bhardwaj |
21 | 2007 | A clinical study to see the effect of rasanjana- madhu eye drops in the management of Netra-abhishyand w.s.r. to infective conjunctivitis | Dr. Manoj Tanwar | Dr.K.S. Dhiman | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi |
22 | 2008 | A clinical study on the effect of Yoganjana in the treatment of Praklinnavartma (Blepharitis) | Dr. Nisha | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi |
Dr. K.S.Dhiman Dr. Sukh Dev. |
23 | 2008 | Aclinical study to evaluate the effect of Ushirasi Anjana on Timira (refractive Errors & Presbyopia | Dr. Renu Rao | Dr. K.S. Dhiman | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi |
24 | A clinical study on the effect of Madhuyashtiyadi Aschyotana (Eye Drops) in the treatment of Pittaja Abhishayanda (Chronic Conjunctivitis). Dr. Shiv Kumar | Dr. Shiv Kumar Gautam | Dr. K.S.Dhiman | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi. | |
25 | Role of Ardhavabhedhak hara yoga in the management of Ardhavabhedaka (Migraine) | Dr. Vinay kumar | Dr. Baldev Singh |
Dr. Vijyant Bhardwaj Dr. Satish Sharma. |
26 | A clinical study on the effect of “Satavaryaadi Churna” and “Tarpana Karma” with Goghrita and and changing the working style and standard in the treatment of Computer Vision Syndrome – an emerging pandemic of 21st century., | Dr. Deepak Ahuja | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi | Dr. Sukh Dev, | |
27 | A clinical evaluation of an Ayurvedic formulation in the management of Sarvasar Roga (Mukhapaka) w.s.r. to Aphthous Ulcer. | Dr. Manisha | Dr. Baldev Singh |
Dr. Vijyant Bhardwaj, Dr. Satish |
28 | A clinical study on the effect of Haldi,Daruhaldi,Saindhva Ghrita anjan and Goghrita Nasya on Shushkakshipaak w.s.r Dry Eye Syndrome. | Dr. Samita Puri | Dr Sanjeev Awasthi | Dr. Sukh Dev | |
29 | A clinical study on the effect of Vatankur Ksheer and Karpoor Churan on the recurrence of Pterygium after Chhedan Karma (Pterygectomy)., | Dr Sachin Dhiman | Dr. Baldev Singh Thakur | Dr Sanjeev Awasthi, | |
30 | A Clinical Study on the role of Haridradi Netra Bindu & Tarpana Karma with Yashtimadhu Ghrita (Jeevaniya ghrita) in the management of Computer Vision Syndrome, “An Emerging Pandamic of 21st Century”, | Dr. Arvind Gupta | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi | Dr. Sukh Dev, | |
31 | Role of Sukhavati Varti (Lekhya Anjana) in the prevention of recurrence of Arma (Pterygium) after Arma Chhedna (Pterygectomy) | Dr. O.P. Sharma | Dr Baldev Singh Thakur | Dr Sanjeev Awasthi, | |
32 | Effect of an Ayurvedic formulation in the management of Pharyngitis. | Dr. Suresh Gupta | Dr. Baldev Singh | Dr. Vijyant Bhardwaj Dr. Satish Sharma, |
33 | Evaluation of effect of an Ayurvedic formulation in the management of Sarvasar Roga (Mukhpaka) w.s.r. to Aphthous Ulcer., | Dr. Vibhor | Dr. Satish Sharma | Dr. Vijyant Bhardwaj, | |
34 | A clinical study to evaluate the effect of Shiro Dhara & Nasya in the management of Vatik Shiro Sula wsr to Chronic Daily Headache., , | Dr. Anchit | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi |
Dr. Rajika Gupta, Dr. Sukh Dev |
35 | Clinical study of Yavksharadi Vati & Panchvalkal Kwath in the management of Tundikeri w.s.r. to Tonsillitis. |
Dr. Jitendra Kumar |
Dr. Baldev Singh Thakur |
Dr. J.S. Bhandari, Dr. Dharmendra Kumar, |
36 | A Clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Amrit Prabha Vati & Chitraka Tailam in the management of Nasa Arsha w.s.r to Nasal Polyposis. | Dr. Baldev Singh Thakur | Dr. Vijyant Bhardwaj, Dr. J.S. Bhandari | ||
37 | Management of Danta Veshta (Pyorrhoea) with Bakul Twak Churana and Bhadra Mustakadi Vati., | Dr. Satish Sharma | Dr. Baldev Singh Thakur, Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi. | ||
38 | A clinical study to evaluate the effect of Mahoshadh Sarpi Anjana in the management of Shushkakshipaka w.s.r. to Dry Eye Syndrome | Dr. Aditi Kaushal | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi, | Dr. Sukh Dev | |
39 | A clinical study to evaluate the Chakshushya effect of Aamlakyadi Gana in the management of Timira w.s.r. to Myopia., | Dr. Ankur Tripathi | Dr. Baldev |
Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi, Dr. Sukh Dev |
40 | A clinical study of Priyanguadi Tail in the management of Karnasrava w.s.r. to CSOM., | Dr. Manish Katare | Dr. Baldev Singh |
Dr. Vijayant Bhardwaj, Dr. J.S. Bhandari, |
41 | A clinical study of ChavyadiVati in the management of Svarabheda w.s.r. to Hoarseness of Voice., | Dr. Navdeep. | Dr. Satish Sharma |
Dr. Vijayant Bhardwaj, Dr. J.S. Bhandari, |
42 | 2013 | A clinical study on the effect of Triphala Aschyotan in the management of Abhishyand (Infective Conjunctivitis) | Dr. Jagdish Prasad Mishra, | Dr. Sanjeev awasthi | Dr. Sukh Dev, |
43 | 2013 | A clinical study to evaluate the effect of Shirodhara in the management of Shirashula w.s.r. to Chronic Daily Headache | Dr. Anuradha | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi | Dr. Sukh Dev |
44 | 2013 | A clinical study on the role of Tarpan Kriya Kalp with Triphala Ghrita in the treatment of Computer Vision Syndrome, , , , | Dr. Richa Mohan | Dr. Sanjeev Awasthi | Dr. Satish Sharma |
45 | A clinical study of Prativishadi Tail Karanpurana and Ashwagandhadya ghrita Paana in the management of Karannaadaw.s.r. to Tinnitis, | Dr. Pankaj Verma | Dr. Vijayant Bhardwaj | Dr. Satish Sharma |