Department of Rachana Sharir is one of the major departments of this institute. It was upgraded to P.G. Dept. in the year 2020 and has an intake of 2 P.G. Students per year It teaches Anatomy both from Ayurvedic as well as modern point of view. This department has a state of the art dissection hall with sufficient number of dead bodies for practical knowledge for students. Teachers are very hard working and impart best possible knowledge to the students.
Area of Rachna Sharir Department
1. Dissection Hall 14 m10cm x 6m50cm = 91.65meter 46’10” x 21’4” =986’54”
2. Tank Room 5m80cm x 1m84cm = 10.67 meter 19’ x 6’ =114’
3. Store Room 3m x 3m24cm = 9.72 meter 9’10” x 10’8” = 98’.28”
4. Bone Room 2m65cm x 3m23cm =8.55 meter 8’8” x10’7” = 94’.16”
5. Washing Room 5m80cm x 4m 95cm = 28.71 meter 19’ x16’3” = 309’.7”
6. Museum Room 10m45cm x 5m80cm = 60.61meter 34’3”x19’ = 651’.7”
7. Lab Assistant Room 3m x 6m =18meter 9’10” x19’10” = 173’.81”
8. HOD Room 3m50cm x 6m05cm =21.17meter 11’6” x 19’10” = 221’.56”
9. Lecturer Room 3m 20cm x 5m85cm =18.72 meter 10’6” x19’3” = 204’.58”
10. Gallery 15m75cm x 2m =331.5 meter 51’9” x6’ = 311’.4”
Total Area 299.3 meter =3165’.73”
Note: –
(As per CCIM Norms total required area for 60 students = 125 sq meter & for 61-100 students 250 sq m.)
Staff of Rachna Sharir Department
Post Name
Prof. & HOD Dr. Upender Nath Sharma
Reader Dr. Ram Mohan Singh Kushwah
Lecturer Dr. Pooja Thakur
AMO Dr. Pooja Makhnotra
Lab Attendant Mr. Jaswant
Sweeper Arranged from general pool
Museum of Rachna Sharir Department
Size of Museum Hall 10m45cm x 5m80cm = 60.61meter 34’3”x19’ = 651’.7”
Plastic Model 66
Specimen 100
Chart (Handmade) 60
Jar 64
Stool Revolving 55
LCD Projector 01
Over Head Projector 01
Dissection Hall
Dissection Hall 14 m10cm x 6m50cm = 91.65meter 46’10” x 21’4” =986’54”
Deep Freezer One
Mortuary Chamber One for four body
Dead Body Injector One
Dissection Table 2
Dissection Set 5
Dead Body At present two available + two dissected
Departmental Library (Rachna Sharir Department)
S. No. Books No. Name of Books Authors Name
1. 3860 Illustrated Clinical Anatomy
2. 3861 Anatomy Last
3. 3929 Human Embryology Singh
4. 3980 Cunningham Manual of Practical Anatomy Vol.-I G.J. Roman
5. 3981 Cunningham Manual of Practical Anatomy Vol.-I G.J. Roman
6. 3982 Cunningham Manual of Practical Anatomy Vol.-I G.J. Roman
7. 3983 Gray’s Anatomy
8. 3984 Human Anatomy Vol.- I B.D. Chorasia
9. 3985 Human Anatomy Vol.- I B.D. Chorasia
10. 3986 Human Anatomy Vol.- I B.D. Chorasia
11. 3987 Clinical Anatomy for Student – Kulkarni
12. 3988 Text Book of Anatomy Vol.- I Singh
13. 3989 Text Book of Anatomy Vol. -II Singh
14. 3990 Text Book of Anatomy Vol. –III Singh
15. 3862 Atlas
16. 4366 Cunningham Manual of Practical Anatomy Vol.-I G.J. Roman
17. 4367 Cunningham Manual of Practical Anatomy Vol.-I G.J. Roman
18. 4368 Cunningham Manual of Practical Anatomy Vol.-I G.J. Roman
19. 4369 Gray’s Anatomy
20. 4370 Moore Clinical oriented Anatomy
21. 4329 Singh’s – Text book of Human Neuro-Anatomy
22. 4430 Gandotra Gross Anatomy Work Book
23. 4431 Singh- Text-Book of Anatomy Colour Atlas Vol.-I
24. 4432 Singh- Text-Book of Anatomy Colour Atlas Vol.-II
25. 4433 Singh- Text-Book of Anatomy Colour Atlas Vol.-III
26. 4434 Kulkarni Clinical Anatomy
27. 4435 Singh Text Book of Human Osteology
28. 4436 Singh Human Embryology
29. 4437 Kadasne’s Text Book of Anatomy Vol. –I
30. 4438 Kadasne’s Text Book of Anatomy Vol. –II
31. 4439 Kadasne’s Text Book of Anatomy Vol. –III
32. 4440 Mazumdar Anatomy at a glance
33. 4441 Tendon- Essentials of Human Anatomy
34. 4442 Dhar- Human Genetics
35. 4443 Kapur –Basic Human Genitics
36. 4444 Karthikeyan Step by step Cross sectional Anatomy
S. No. Books No. Name of Books Authors Name
37. 4445 Santelli -Histology
38. 4486 Singh Text Book of Human Histology Colour Atlas
39. 4487 Sant Embryology Foe Medical Students
40. 4500 Dorland Illustrated Medical Dictionary
41. 4522 Snell –Clinical Neuro Anatomy
42. 4559 Gray’s Dissection Guide for Human Anatomy
43. 4567 Singh- Anatomy of Upper limb & Thorax
44. 4565 Singh Anatomy of Head Neck & Brain
45. 4566 Singh –Anatomy of Clinical Neuro-Anatomy
46. 4754 Susruta Samihita –I
47. 4555 Sushrata Samhita –II
48. 4757 Susruta Darpana
49. 4815 Susruta Sharir Sthan Vol. III