The Charak Ayurvedic Pharmacy, Paprola was started in the Year 1997 with the assistance from Government of India in a single story building having 1600 Sq. Ft. covered area. Later on a project was submitted to the Government of India for further strengthening of the Pharmacy which was sanctioned by the Government of India. Since the Paprola Ayurvedic college being a Post Graduate Institution having Post Graduation in all the fourteen specialities of Ayurveda and the institution is having 215 bedded hospital, it is required to have a well equipped and developed pharmacy.
The Department of Ayurveda, Himachal Pradesh is interested in upgrading this institution to the level of National Institute. The big pharmacy building which was constructed by the Govt. became functional in the year 2008.In the year 2017 additional bhatti section was constructed for preparation of various ayurvedic formulations. A drying shed for drying of raw herbs and a godown for storage of the medicines was added to the above infrastructure in the year 2021. The effort of the college is to make this pharmacy one of the pioneer institute in Ayurvda not only in Northern India but in whole country.
The Charak Govt. Ayurvedic pharmacy , Paprola has approval for different sections like Tablets, Churan ( Powders), Liquid section ( Syp. , Oil, Ghrita etc) and is having section for Qwath, Awaleha, Capsule, Vati, Lepa and Bhasamas etc.
1 Name of the Pharmacy : Charak Ayurvedic Pharmacy, Paprola, Distt. Kangra (H.P.)
2. Year of Establishment : Nov. 1997
3. Annual Budget (Plan/non plan: Plan – Non plan (Budgetary allocations for the Govt. Ayurvedic Pharmacy are met from the budget allotted to the College and to other State Pharmacies.)
4. Covered area of the Pharmacy: 370 Sq. mtr. (Old building) 300 + 300+300 Sq mtr. (Ground, first and second floor under construction in the new building), 484 sq. mt. Bhatti section, 600 sq feet drying shed.
Detail of the sanctioned and existing posts in Govt. Ayurvedic pharmacy Paprola
Sr. No. | Name of Post | Post sanctioned | In position | Vacant | Remarks |
1 | Manager | 1 | 1 | 0 | – |
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. |
Mechanic Ay. Pharmacist Electrician Plumber Beldars |
2 2 Nil Nil Nil |
1 1 1 1 6 |
1 1 0 0 6 |
Provision of the mechanic to this pharmacy is being made from Joginder nagar pharmacy as and when servicing of machines are required |
Present status of working staff :-
Sr. No. | Name of post | In position | Remarks |
1. | Incharge /Manager | 1 | Reader and Head of the Deptt. of Ras Shastra has been assigned additional duty of incharge/manager to look after the pharmacy |
2. | A.M.O. | 0 | Full time A.M.O. has been appointed by the department to work in the pharmacy. |
3. | Lab. Attendant | 0 | Lab. Attendant also works as store keeper of the pharmacy. |
4. | Class IV/Workers | 1 | Two part-time and two regular workers have been posted in the pharmacy to undertake various works of the pharmacy. Besides this job rate system has also been recently introduced to meet the additional demands of the workers. |
5. | Sweeper | 1 | Part time sweepers of the college have been assigned the duty to clean the pharmacy. |
Present activities of the pharmacy :-
Govt. Ayurvedic Pharmacy, Paprola is presently engaged in the following activities.
1. U.G. Practicals –
60-80 practicals are conducted every year in this pharmacy for the students of B.A.M.S. IInd prof.
2. P.G. Practicals :-
About 180- 200 practicals are conducted every year in this pharmacy for the students of M.D./M.S.
3. Research drug manufacturing :-
This is the another important activity of the pharmacy in which various trial drugs of some of the P.G. research scholars are manufactured in this pharmacy under the guidance and supervision of experts of the subjects and these drugs are also analyzed from DTL Jogindernagar and some other laboratories. About 110 research drugs are manufactured every year in this pharmacy.
4. Annual target :-
The Pharmacy has been assigned to manufacture annual medicine supply for 1255 Ayurvedic Health Centers and 25 hospitals in Himachal Pradesh for which budget is allotted by Directorate of ayurveda , Govt. of H.P.. Annual target for the year 2021-22 of appx. 22600 kgs of different medicine was completed in given time duration along with manufacturing of diffrent research drugs and conduction of U.G. and P.G. practicals.
5. Specific drug manufacturing :-
Some of the local demands of RAH and various other teaching departments are also met with. So far as tests of the drugs are concerned they are being carried out by DTL Jogindernagar their reports have been satisfactory till now.
Existing Infrastructure
Old building is presently housed in a building having the following rooms/sections covering about 1600 Sq. ft area.
Sr. No. | Name of the room/section | Dimension in Mtr. | No. of rooms |
1. | Machinery Hall | 15 mtrs x 7 Mtrs. | 1 |
2. | Students Demonstration room | 8 x 5 mtrs | 1 |
3. | Store rooms | 5 x 3 mtrs | 3 |
4. | Managers room | 5 x 3 mtrs | 1 (raw herbs and packed material stored) |
5. | Lavatories Male & Female | – | 2 |
6. | Bhathi section (additional shed of CGI sheets and angle iron with proper flooring) | 5 x 4 mtrs | 1 |
7. | Corridor (there is sufficient space in between the various rooms and sections) | 25 x 2 mtrs | – |
8. | Bhatti-section/pakshala | 5 x 4 x 4 ½ mtrs | It has been constructed with angle iron and CGI sheet for the purpose of various cooking/heating procedures. This is a separate shed adjacent to this building. |
New Block
This new building of the Pharmacy has been constructed with the grant received from the Government of India. The following section/rooms has been constructed. The total covered area of all the floors is about 950 Sq. mtrs.
Sr. No. | Name of the Room/Section | Dimension in Mtrs. |
Ground floor | ||
1. | Machinery section (Powder, tablet and Pishti section) | 13.20 x 7.5 mtrs |
2. | R.H. Store | 6.88 x 10.27 mtrs |
3. | Change room | 3.3 x 2 mtrs |
4. | Reception | 1.85 x 2.38 mtrs. |
5. | Machine tool/spare parts/switch room | 8.70 x 2.58 mtrs. |
6. | Toilets male and female | – |
First floor | ||
1. | Capsule filling chamber | 3.30 x 2 mtrs. |
2. | Packing room- dry material | 3.30 x 2.55 mtrs. |
3. | Rest room | 2.10 x 3.50 mtrs |
4. | Packed material store | 4.50 x 2.50 mtrs |
5. | Asavshala | 105 Sq. mtrs |
6. | Syrup section | 240 x 788 mtrs. |
7. | Packing room -liquid | 3.90 x 3.80 mtrs. |
8. | Washing area | 6.40 x 3.80 mtrs. |
9. | Packed material store | 4.10 x 2.50 mtrs. |
10. | Toilet male and female | |
Second floor | ||
1. | Chemistry & Phytochemistry lab. | 500 Sft. |
2. | Pharmacognosy and Botany lab. | 500 Sft. |
3. | Microbiology lab. | 200 Sft. |
4. | Sample store | 200 Sft. |
5. | Demonstration room | 300 Sft. |
6. | Pharmacology & Toxicology lab. | 500 Sft. |
7. | Animal house | 500 Sft. |
8. | Office | 200 Sft. |
Detail of the existing machinery and equipment of Govt. Ayurvedic Pharmacy, Paprola
Sr. No. | Name of Machine | Qty |
Working capacity (during single shift) |
1. | Drying oven (electrical)` | 1 | 10 -20 kg. |
2. | Grinder | 1 | 20 – 25 kg. |
3. | Micro pulverizer (cyclonic) | 1 | 100 – 120 kg. |
4. | Disintegrator (heavy duty) | 1 | 70 – 90 kg |
5. | Ball Mill | 1 | 10 – 20 kg |
6. | Pulverizer (small) | 1 | 20 – 40 kg |
7. | Polishing pan | 1 | 2 – 5 kg. |
8. | Multi punch tablet- making machine | 1 | 4 – 16 kg. |
9. | Oscillating granulator | 1 | 20 – 30 kg |
10. | Jar mill (with 4 jars) | 1 | 15 – 20 kg |
11. | Edge runner mill | 1 | 5 – 7 kg |
12. | End runner mill | 1 | 5 – 7 kg |
13. | Electric Muffel furnance | Upto 1200 C | |
14. | Juicer ordinary (manually operated) | 1 | 10 – 15 Ltrs. |
15. | Plastic pouch sealing machine | 1 | |
16. | Manually operated vial sealing machine | 1 | Brought from Joginder nagar, pharmacy for students demonstration purpose. |
17. | Manually operated vial filling machine | 1 | -do- |
18. | Light duty planetary mixer with motor | 1 | -do- |
19. | Hinallum containers with large lids | 7 | 30 – 40 Ltr capacity |
20 | Bucket ( iron) 12-15 lts. Capacity | 4 | – |
21. | Chllamchi enamled | 3 | – |
22. | Spoons different size | 6 | – |
23. | Cutter | 1 | – |
24. | Tin boxes 3×3 ft | 30 | For storing raw herbs and prepared medicines. |
25. | Iron (angle) racks | 10 | – |
26. | Stainless Steel jugs | 2 | – |
27. | SS tentha | 2 | – |
28. | SS Karchi | 2 | – |
29. | Rect. Enamled trays | 12 | – |
30. | LP gas stove large | 1 | – |
31. | LP gas stove small | 2 | – |
32. | SS patila with copper base small size | 3 | – |
33. | SS patila 12-15 ltr. Capacity | 3 | – |
34. | Pearlpet plastic jars | 50 | |
35. | Iron ladder | 1 | – |
List of machinery purchased out of the funds provided by the GOI
1. Pulverizer 2. Disintegrator
3. Multimill 4. Ball Mill
5. PP cap sealing (semi auto) 6. Labeling machine
7. Mass mixer
Future plan :-
Undertaking of new building :-
i) Govt. of H.P. vide their letter no 19-7-2007 has sanctioned Rs. 9 Lacs. The partition work will be completed shortly by Govt. furniture factory, Bilaspur.
ii) Power wiring- Govt. of H.P. has sanctioned 2.80 lacs for power wiring works of the new building of the pharmacy. The amount has been deposited to the Department of PWD, Electrical division. Power wiring work will be completed shortly
iii) Installation of machinery and equipment – The machinery and equipment of Rs. 13,21,280 has been purchased.
Additional accommodation for existing part of pharmacy :-
Deptt. Of AYUSH,Govt. of India New Delhi has sanctioned Rs 87.9 Lacs for Put shala, boundary wall, LPG pipe line and cylinder bank and partition of machinery section, pakshala and machinery equipment. An additional amount of Rs. 21.4 Lac. has further been sanctioned for the purchase of machinery.
Posts required for Govt. Ayurvedic Pharmacy Paprola
Sr. No. | Name of posts | Post required |
1. | Manager | 1 |
2. | Asstt. Manager | 1 |
3. | AMO | 4 |
4. | Ayurvedic pharmacist | 2 |
5. | Electrician | 1 |
6. | Mechanics | 2 |
7. | Class IV machine operators | 25 |
8. | Packer | 1 |
Ministrial staff :
Sr. No. | Name of post | Post required |
1. | Office superintendent | 1 |
2. | Senior assistant | 1 |
3. | Junior assistant | 1 |
4. | Clerk with typist | 2 |
5. | Class IV (peon) | 4 |
6. | Chowkidars | 2 |
7. | Sweepers | 4 |
Budgetary provision will be met out according to the other pharmacies of the Deptt. of Ayurveda Govt. of H.P.
Labs :-
Requirement of staff for various labs proposed to be established in the pharmacy
i) Budget –
Sr. No. | Name of the post | Post required |
1. | Phytochemist | 1 |
2. | Assistants | 2 |
3. | Lab. Technician | 1 |
4. | Class IV | 1 |
Post – Microbiology Lab
Sr. No. | Name of the post | Post required |
1. | Microbiologist | 1 |
2. | Assistant | 2 |
3. | Technician | 2 |
4. | Lab. Attendant | 1 |
Pharmacognosy botany labs :-
Sr. No. | Name of the post | Post required |
1. | Botanist | 1 |
2. | Assistant | 2 |
3. | Lab. Technician | 2 |
4. | Lab. Attendant | 2 |
5. | Class IV | 1 |
Pharmacology/Toxicology :-
Sr. No. | Name of post | Post required |
1. | Pharmacologist | 1 |
2. | Assistant | 1 |
3. | Lab. Technician | 2 |
4. | Class IV | 1 |
Animal house :-